
Everything else is a blur when I'm with you. And the world fades out to black. It's you and me, my love, and it is perfect. It is mine. — Proof that perfection does exist and it must look like you || Expressions of the Heart, Aishwarya .K (My debut crime-thriller novel is out on … Continue reading Perfection

Light and Dark

'I can't help but wonder,' you said, 'If there's something dark in me.' But you never knew,Despite your chaos,You had always been the light.And despite my virtue,There was always a bit of darkness in me. — Yin and Yang, we were made for each other || Expressions of the Heart, Aishwarya .K


These are all I have,Remnants of a faded past,Fragments of you I hold onto,Sometimes too hard.Afraid you'll disappear if I let go. I piece them together,Trying to find some semblance of you,It's not enough, I know,But I keep hoping somehow,You'd find your way back to me,That you'd step out of those scattered memories,Wrap your arms … Continue reading Remnants


No blemishes, or scars from battles fought,Will deter me from loving you.Do not fear, do not hide,Your darkness and your light,Your imperfections,Show me all of you,For the moon has blemishes too.Let it be a testament to my love,For I do love you,And I will choose you always. -- Your imperfections are perfect || Expressions of … Continue reading Imperfections


Darling, have you any idea, The limits I'd cross to protect you? Even if the heavens collapse, And all hell breaks loose, I will stand in your way, unwavering, Covering you in wings of steel. They can destroy me, reduce me to ashes, But my soul be damned if I let a scratch befall you. … Continue reading Protect