The thrill of thrillers

Nothing like the smell of blood in the morning. (I'm kidding. I'm just a writer) I love crime fiction. Thrillers. I discovered my love for writing when I was a kid but wrote my first book about nine years ago, after watching Sherlock. Yes, that Sherlock. Growing up, I watched a lot of fast-paced … Continue reading The thrill of thrillers


Everything else is a blur when I'm with you. And the world fades out to black. It's you and me, my love, and it is perfect. It is mine. — Proof that perfection does exist and it must look like you || Expressions of the Heart, Aishwarya .K (My debut crime-thriller novel is out on … Continue reading Perfection

When you feel like you can’t go on

I wanted to write this a little later, but decided I should just do it. I had a tough year. The recent months were especially tough. This is for whoever might need it.We've all been there, I know. People say "You're not alone" when they're trying to console you. And that's true. You truly are … Continue reading When you feel like you can’t go on


These are all I have,Remnants of a faded past,Fragments of you I hold onto,Sometimes too hard.Afraid you'll disappear if I let go. I piece them together,Trying to find some semblance of you,It's not enough, I know,But I keep hoping somehow,You'd find your way back to me,That you'd step out of those scattered memories,Wrap your arms … Continue reading Remnants

Programming – that’s not how it works…

HACKING - Expectations: Reality: I did my undergraduate in Information Systems and Management. I had to endure programming classes, in which the theoretical parts were alright. The practicals... well... I hated them. I was particularly weak in programming so I have no clue how I passed with good grades (No, I am not … Continue reading Programming – that’s not how it works…

I’m a writer, I swear

*takes deep breath* I don't even know where to begin. Talking to all my fellow writers out there, how many of you actually delete your browsing history regularly? Don't lie. Ahh, the life of a writer. Chock full of late nights and extra, extra large caffeine, among other things. Your face is illuminated … Continue reading I’m a writer, I swear

Job Hunting in 2020 — Quite literally The Hunger Games

I'm serious. It really is The Hunger Games on a global level. It's the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of job hunting. With Covid-19, everything's royally screwed up. Getting a job has been more crucial than ever but that's easier said than done. I know there are companies (somewhere) … Continue reading Job Hunting in 2020 — Quite literally The Hunger Games