I’m a writer, I swear

*takes deep breath* https://media.tenor.com/images/4198e98231fdf3db1beef48c1dea0680/tenor.gif I don't even know where to begin. Talking to all my fellow writers out there, how many of you actually delete your browsing history regularly? Don't lie. https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/watching-you-gif-6.gif Ahh, the life of a writer. Chock full of late nights and extra, extra large caffeine, among other things. Your face is illuminated … Continue reading I’m a writer, I swear

Job Hunting in 2020 — Quite literally The Hunger Games

I'm serious. It really is The Hunger Games on a global level. It's the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of job hunting. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/ae/f2/2faef219de4582b58e1d9861da2dbeee.gif With Covid-19, everything's royally screwed up. Getting a job has been more crucial than ever but that's easier said than done. I know there are companies (somewhere) … Continue reading Job Hunting in 2020 — Quite literally The Hunger Games

Welcome, I’m trying to find my way in here

Welcome to my blog. This is my first, so bear with me. I'm finding my way here. My main intention is to have a space where I can share my thoughts about writing, movies (maybe, haven't decided that yet), TV shows, personal experiences--basically anything that I love. I'm an aspiring writer with an overactive mind. … Continue reading Welcome, I’m trying to find my way in here